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Min Sung of Korea gives thanks above after winning his heat in the men’s 100-meter backstroke.

William Eastland of Arlington, Texas waits for an elevator during G.O.P convention week in Philadelphia, August 1, 2000.

Spokeswoman Karen Hughes takes a time-out with her son.

En route in Michigan. Up as much as 18 points in the poll right after the Republican convention, Bush waves from a train.

Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore stops to have his photo taken with supporters as he walks on the beach in Florida Where he was staying while he prepared for the first presidential debate. Sunday, October 1, 2000.

George W. Bush has his tie adjustment by the hands of his wife, Laura, while waiting to be introduced at a campaign rally in Casper, Wyoming.

12/13/00, Washington D.C., Naval Observatory, V.P. Al Gore dances to Tom Petty at a party at his residence after conceding the election to George W. Bush.