Physical therapists at Laguna Honda Hospital help Georgia put weight on her legs again hoping that she might walk again and not need her wheelchair. But Georgia is scared and wants to leave the hospital.
Georgia, right, and Vanessa in the back of a homeless outreach van. They are on their way to the hospital...the pain in Georgia's legs is getting worse and she has finally agreed to see a doctor.
Georgia and her friend Vanessa, right, spend time on Leavenworth Street, but are bothered by an unidentified man, left, who is trying to get money from them. Much of the day is sometimes spent on street corners in the Tenderloin district.
Georgia Mitchell, a homeless woman, gets a kiss from a friend as she sits in her wheelchair on Eddy Street in San Francisco. She is well liked in the homeless community. Georgia suffers from pains in her legs and knows she must get treatment.
Rhonda Bye heads back to her favorite panhandling spot in San Francisco...despite the city programs which have helped her get inside and kick her heroin habit, she still does not receive enough money to survive, she says.
Rhonda Bye fixes in her new hotel room. She is waiting for her drug program to begin so she can get on methadone and avoid the daily hassles of a heroin addict. The room offers her some privacy from the busy street outside.
Rhonda uses the mirror in her room to straighten her hair and pick her face. She is worried about her poor complexion. The mirror is a stark reality about her physical condition.
A financial snafu is fixed and Rhonda is shown her new room at the Elm Hotel on Eddy Street. Dirk, the property manager opens the door for her the first time. Rhonda is one of the first women to get a hotel room as part of the Care Not Cash program…
Rhonda buys heroin from dealers in the Mission district in San Francisco and then finds a little privacy to shoot up...Heroin is keeping her from getting inside. Rhonda knows she must get on a methadone program or be stuck outside indefinitely.