In the seaside community of Farida, CA homeowners and firemen strive to prevent homes from being damaged by a wind-driven sea. As they ponder where to best place sandbags they are caught unawares by a large capricious wave. The huge wave curls over…
In the seaside community of Farida, CA, homeowners and firemen strive to prevent homes from being damaged by a wind-driven sea. As they ponder where to best place sandbags they are caught unawares by a large capricious wave. The huge wave curls…
Unusually fierce waves and coastal erosion, believed by many to have been caused by El Nino, wrecked havoc on the luxury homes of Malibu, California. Here, a house has collapsed threatening the homes below.
Photographer says, 'The weather was the big news this year in the south. Only hours after hurricane Alicia smashed through Galveston, Texas, I was up in a helicopter to get the first aerial views of the damage. Here is the Houston Yacht Club just…
Residents of Slidell's Maplewood Park take to boats as they leave their new homes for high ground. Thousands were forced to flee in the face of severe flooding after heavy spring rains.