Anatomist and artist, Gunther von Hagens' workshop 'Plastination City', Dalian, Manchuria, China, September 2002. Detail of a new version of the 'Chess Player' One of Gunther Von Hagens's most popular exhibits.
1-16-02------Richard Vander Wende of Spokane is an extraordinary illustrator who draws inspirations for his characters from household items such as this water buffalo named 'Buffy.'
1-18-02---Lunchtime onlookers watch as a 60 foot Olympic Torch flag is unveiled on the west side of the Metropolitan Financial Center in downtown Spokane.
1-18-02---Kim Hays is escorted by USMC Captain Jonathon Dunne after a memorial service for her son USMC Sgt. Nathan Paul Hays, Tuesday, at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. Hays was killed in an airplane crash in Pakistan.