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Belinda, exhausted from the birth and a tubal ligation, ministers to her newborn son, Nair.

Belinda watches TV during her entire labor, attended only by guards and medical personnel. The doctor said, 'I've never seen anybody as stoic as Belinda.'

Belinda is in no hurry to give birth. 'This is the closest I'll be to him till I get out,' she says, 'so he can take his time.'

At the hospital, prison guards monitor Belinda's every move, even during pelvic examinations.

Because she took cocaine early in her pregnancy, Belinda has weekly hospital check-ups--in handcuffs. 'You're just an outcast,' she says.

Belinda Ward is one of several pregnant prisoners at the Philadelphia Women's Detention Center.

Tarina McGraw has a late night cigarette after her husband's left for his graveyard shift busboy job.

Tarina's mother, Betty McGraw, washes herself in the Colorado River, like many of the homeless along its banks.

Jerrod Robinson, 2, clings to his dad. The campground is boring for the boys, who spend a lot of time sleeping.

Wayne Robinson, 6, carries a carton of donated food to his parents. The arrival of day-old groceries are a source of great excitement for the children.