Browse Items (1434 total)

While at his campaign headquarters, the ser is met by a longtime supporter who stops in.

Macera has cup of coffee outside a polling place in front of one of his competitors signs.

at home in his study, Macera works on a speech that he will deliver to the town's Association of Democratic women.

With his wife, Maureen, at his side Macera out marches behind the town's high school homecoming parade. The town forbids any candidates from actually participating in the parade.

Outside a polling place, Macera positions himself with fellow Democrats and shakes hands with potential supporters.

At one of his famous ' coffee hours, ' Macera addresses a group of elderly women in the community room of an assisted living complex. Macera stresses that he will make no false promises.

Adam Muccino, 13, left, and Mike Travisono, 14, from the Ponagasit Middle School Junior Band, a line up along the rural north road with their sousaphones for the start of Foster's

A woman calls a family member from her car, which was involved in a five car accident on the Highway.

at eight years old, Catherine Moore Driscoll survived the hurricane of 1938 by clinging to a piece of the family's house after it was ripped apart. She rode the makeshift raft for hours, until she safely washed ashore.

it takes six sheriffs to drag reluctant prison inmate into the courtroom where prosecutors had hoped he would testify against three-time murderer Craig Price during his violation hearing. He did not testify.