Browse Items (1498 total)

Day 57, 9,25 a.m. Ravens led me to the lifeless doe. Poachers had cut away the prized back loin, leaving the rest to scavengers.

Day 89, 12,00 p.m. Noon on the year's shortest day.

Day 71, 4,26 p.m. Track of injured wolf.

Day 40, 7,42 a.m. hard frost at dawn. Sedges had moved in after a beaver dam collapsed and the pond drained away.

Day 70, 8,57 a.m. Wolf encounter.

Day 69, 11,29 a.m. Red fox tracks on Lake One.

Day 74, 12,34 p.m. long shadows.

Day 64, 8,52 a.m. Timber wolf testing lake ice.

Day 86, 2,02 p.m. Wolf-killed deer.

Day 49, 8,22 a.m. pancake ice at Ravenwood falls.