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Even as the obstetrician is in the midst of sewing up the episiotomy, Jaquelene, not having used any drugs during her labor is alert and enthusiastic and on the telephone with the news.

It's really over. Jaquelene shows her fatigue before quickly making the transition into a beaming, very alert mother of the world's most beautiful baby--just ask her.

Life as an individual begins for the little girl as the doctor cuts the cord.

The baby is crowning as the mother pushes amid the 'yelping cries' of transition.

At this point, there is very little a doctor can do except make periodic checkups and wait. The mother is doing all the work, but only the doctor gets paid.

Glad that's over, Jaquelene indicates, showing no enthusiasm for the next contraction, however.

No beauty contest was ever won by a laboring mother, but awards for endurance have been won.

Walking the halls during early labor speeds the process, but requires a strong arm and shoulder when the contractions strike.

The Fetal Monitor keeps a record of the ever more frequent contractions, but not the intensity of the mother's efforts.

Contractions interrupt a good book.