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Col. Ty Putnam runs through the combat hospital in Balad, Iraq in a futile and frustrating attempt to save the life of an extremely injured Marine. Though 96% of those who arrive at the hospital alive survive their injuries due to state of the art…

A U.S. Army Blackhawk medevac helicopter lands along the flight line in Balad, Iraq where several helicopters are on 24-hour a day standby to offer assistance to any injured U.S. service member in Iraq. Helicopters are a vital part of a streamlined…

The crew of a U.S. Army Blackhawk medevac helicopter work to transport patients to a combat hospital in Balad, Iraq. These 'dustoff' crews at times land while under fire to transport injured U.S. soldiers, coalition soldiers and Iraqis.

While much attention is paid to the 3,000-plus U.S. service members killed in Iraq since the invasion, the number of wounded now stands at over 25,000 people. Many of the most seriously wounded would have died in previous wars. In a war with no…

A dead juvenile albatross rests in the sands of Midway Atoll where each year as many as 200,000 chicks – about 40% of the total on this island - die before they get a chance to take flight. Chicks are often inadvertantly fed plasitic bits by their…

A group of tourists stopping by Midway Atoll during a battlefields of the Pacific cruise become enthralled by one of hundreds of thousands of juvenile albatross that fledge on the island before heading off to a lifetime spent at sea. Human impact can…

A red snapper, one of the top predatory fish on the reefs of Palmyra Atoll. Overfishing, with new technologies that arm industrial fleets with sonar, satellite data and global positioning systems, has declined the population of big fish by 90% over…

Champ Warren shovels a haul of cannonball jellyfish into the hold of a converted shrimp trawler. Georgia white shrimp have been overfished but 'jellies' are thick due to a lack of predators and an abundance of algae. They are exported to China and…

Bleeding from the nose is one of the indicators that a manatee has died from breathing or eating sea grass tainted with brevetoxin.The potent neurotoxin blooms off the West Coast of Florida. Manatees are classified as 'threatened with extinction'…

The Marine Mammal Care Center in San Pedro, California is frequently overrun by a California sea lions suffering from domoic acid poisoning. The sea lions pickup the toxin by eating anchovies or sardines contaminated with pseudo-nitzschia, which…