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Joe DiMaggio, Jr., son of the great Yankee star, puts on his uniform in his father's locker room, prior to a world series game in Yankee Stadium.

An unusual race-track picture, this one shows the paralyzing effect of noise and speed on a young inhabitant of the wide-open spaces.

Leo Durocher, suspended Dodger manager, keeps his composure as the Dodgers make a run in the world series. Mrs. Durocher, Laraine Day, joins in the cheering.

Teenage boy shaving with two other boys watching.

Larry Adler, after a high-school concert, was asked to step off the stage and continue playing. 'The resulting mob scene,' Mr. Linck reports, 'developed to my satisfaction'--whatever Mr. Adler's reactions were.

The Post-Dispatch received a flash on a train wreck at Litchfield, Illinois. One man left for the scene by automobile while Mr. Linck chartered a plane. He made the trip without landing, and returned to St. Louis in time for two editions.

Listening to the police radio, Mr. Laird heard a tip which led him to an apparently drowned woman. She 'came to life' just as the police launch arrived and other pictures were made of the rescue.

This picture, taken on the concluding day of Brotherhood Week, shows a Negro boy in a futile attempt to save the life of a white boy. Both were drowned.

Man trapped in an overturned car at East River Drive and 73rd Street.

Photo of downtown Milwaukee covered with snow. Photographer used a technique called 'painting with light,' which involves both a time exposure and popping a flash in different areas of the photograph.