Sgt. H. I. (Hub) Mayer and his partner, Sgt. A.J.Toepoel, question witnesses at a crime scene. A man got shot in dispute of $5 in rent money. Mom of dead man then stabbed the suspect who went to the hospital and lived.
Suspect in a shooting of Ramiro Salazar sits in a police car in front of his house. Sgt. Wayne Wendell talks to his grandparents. Same neighborhood where the shot man lives.
Carrying a body from the Flamingo Club. The dead man got in an argument and threatened to kill a worker. Witness saw the dead man go for a gun. The worker fired and killed him.
Sgt. Tom Ladd questions the wife in the shooting of her common-law husband. He beat her in locked bedroom. She grabbed a .38 and shot him. No charges were filed. The DA referred the matter to the grand jury.