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America is getting more violent and dangerous. Drugs and the availability of powerful automatic handguns brought a virtual homicide epidemic to America's large cities. Ther American murder rate is up again in 1991 after breaking records in 1990. A…

Overcome by the fumes, mud and cumbersome clothes, a worker collapses while fighting a raging oil well.

Unable to fly, a bird surveys its paradise lost, a square-mile royal menagerie that had once been stocked with horses, deer and peacocks.

An exhausted worker after a 12 hour shift slumps into the shade of a truck.

Workers wash their oil covered bodies in salt water piped in from the sea.

To make an artificial lake to stock the water required to cool the fire fighting equipment, thick plastic is laid down to prevent the water from sinking into the sand.

For two days, these men have been trying to remove a well head that was blown up by Iraqi explosives.

Joe Bowden, right, the owner of Wild Well Control, consults with a fire fighter.

Workers capping an oil well.

Workers 'killing' a well.