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A picture of the Pope had its place on the shelf with other products in a Des Moines, Iowa Stop-n-Go store.

Pope John Paul II's visit to Chicago this summer brought out not only the faithful, but those in search of another kind of profit, as well.

Pope John Paul II clutches his crucifix during mass at Living History Farms in Iowa. The cross behind him is part of a large cloth hanging designed especially for the Papal visit.

Pope John Paul II giving his graceful open-handed greeting.

She came to see a Pope and the Pope came to see people.

Pope John Paul II waving.

Photograph of a stylish old car sitting in front of a building that has a sign on it that reads, 'Reagan for President.'

During a free moment, a guard pauses for a cigarette in a park in Charlotte, N.C.

Enjoying a recreational pastime common to years gone by, a small boy sardined inside an old tube zips down a grassy hill.

Laffit Pincay preparing for a race at Aqueduct Race Track in New York on his way to breaking the $8 million mark in earning.