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The next day Roger turns over the check to the FDIC.

On January 30, 1985, after a decade of life on Florida’s death row, James Raulerson was executed for the shooting death of a Jacksonville policeman. Across the yard from the prison, many fellow Jacksonville officers watched and applauded the…

At a mass in Guayabal, a survivor of the Armero tragedy prays for others like herself and their dead families and friends.

As the cattle are sold Sheri weeps. Roger makes calculations and Ric grimaces.

The homeless survivors were taken to nearby towns, and eventually many were flown to Bogota. Many lost their entire families in the tragedy. The mud is washed from a victim at the airport before she is flown to a hospital for treatment.

Roger and the kids drop off the cattle at the sale barn where they will be auctioned off that afternoon.

Vech signs bankruptcy papers with lawyer Roy Byram as Carolyn explains to Ric what this means for the family.

Workers try to rescue 13-year-old Omayra Sanchez from the mud and water she was buried in up to her neck. They battled to free her from collapsed concrete and the grip of an aunt who had drowned embracing the girl. The rescue effort failed, however,…

The enormous task of rescuing survivors and recovering bodies begins. About 1,000 Red Cross workers as well as police and soldiers labored to ferry the homeless survivors to makeshift hospitals in nearby towns. The arm of a person protrudes through…