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Man with his head tipped back and a hat over his head. He has glasses on his chin and is holding a cigarette up to his beard.

Unidentified man who appears to be giving a press conference. From the look on his face he appears to be saying, 'No comment.'

Photograph of a man who has a crab crawling on the side of his forehead.

Series of photographs of an emergency room doctor helping patients.

Harold McMillan, Prime Minister of Great Britain, sitting on a step and staring across the step at a young boy who is also sitting on the steps.

Photograph of snow drifts.

Man walking in front of the Kremlin Wall.

Mrs. Rose Kennedy, mother of the President, has an enthusiastic greeting for former President, Herbert Hoover, at ceremonies June 5th, honoring astronaut Scott Carpenter. At right, taking it all in, is former President, Harry S. Truman.

Photograph of Robert Kennedy on the phone.

President Kennedy shaking hands with people in a crowd at an airport. People are obviously very excited at getting to see and touch the president.