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Another of the all too few humorous pictures, this one is remarkable because of the human quality of the baby chimpanzee.

This pattern picture, in the words of the man who made it, 'represents the contrast between minute man and his great works.' It was taken on the cameraman's own initiative while roaming around the new mill.

This highly informal picture was made at a British Embassy garden party in Washington. Back of a man who is sweating.

Rep. Ive W. K. Smith, supporter of Herman Talmadge for the disputed governorship of Georgia, grabs a bit of sleep after a legislative session lasting until 2 am. On his chest is a newspaper bearing a supportive headline for Talmadge.

Successful attempt to portray the beauty of Washington's cherry blossoms at night. Mr. Alley cleverly used the blossoms as a frame for the famous Jefferson Memorial.

Colts and dams at Christopher farm, Miami, Florida, make a picture not dissimilar to a Rosa Bonheur painting. Caption by the Washington Times-Herald was a Shakespearean quotation, 'O, for a horse with wings!...'

Transatlantic wins at Jamaica November 4, the day his famous grandfather, Man o' War, is buried.

Adolph Menjou reacts at evidence in a hearing of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. He testified on Communist infiltration into Hollywood.

Secretary of State George C. Marshall and Robert A. Lovett, Under-secretary, appear in close harmony--as though they were singing a hymn. Picture was taken as the duo appeared before House Foreign Affairs Committee.

General 'Benny' Meyers, on the stand before Senate aircraft investigaton, strikes a meditative pose.