A shot which required split-second timing. 'Luck,' Mr. Rollins confesses, 'had a great part in the making of this picture. Photo shows horse nose diving after jumping a fence. Rider is still on horse back.
A harowing moment in the life of a photographer, and of a jockey. One can't help but admire the furious beauty of this picture--and wonder how the stumbling mount and rider made out.
Scout, former Coast Guard War Dog, is put into cell at A.S.P.C.A. shelter. He died in a gas chamber six days later for his fourth biting offense. In Mr. Gilman's opinion, the other dogs looking on make the picture.
The 'field' chases the rabbit into the stretch during March of Dimes benefit at Miami's West Flagler Dog Track. 'Smiling Jimmy' (outside) won. Admission was ten cents.
Mr. Zehrt was driving through northern Arizona when he saw this deer. Grabbing his camera, he followed the animal about 200 feet before 'freezing' it at the proper spot for good composition.
While other photographers were taking conventional 'mug shots' of persons held for questioning, Mr. White sought something different. He placed a large flash bulb low and inside the cage to achieve this dramatic effect.
Returning home from a midnight movie, Mr. Hirsch stopped his automobile to investigate a crowd in front of a bar and grill. This picture was the result. Man being held at gunpoint.
Picture was made at split-second in the path of an enraged suspect, an instant after he had knocked out August Chinn, Washington Star photographer. Chinn's camera is in mid-air.